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Cuba (Reuters)

Cuba (Reuters) | Foto: Reuters

Publicado 19 junio 2014


It is predicted that because of climate change the sea level of Cuba will rise as much as 27 inches by 2050. 

It is predicted that because of climate change the sea level of Cuba will rise as much as 27 inches by 2050. This will mean a loss of 2.31 percent of the Earth's surface.  Over the last five decades the Caribbean sea level has risen on average 1 inch. 
Director of the Cuban Environment Agency, Gisela Alonso, explained that the rising sea level is one of the greatest dangers. The rising sea levels place the coastal areas in great risk due to increased coastal erosion.  This means that there may also be an increase in the vulnerability of human health because of the impacts of seasonal and changing weather patterns. 
It is predicted that this change might damage around 122 Cuban coastal towns, and more than nine thousand buildings that are built on the coastline. In fact, the Cuban archipelago has 109,000,884 square kilometers where its coast extends about 5,746 kilometers. This means there might be many accidents with steep cliffs and beaches and also in inlets and deltas. 
In spite of this fate, there is comprehensive work being done on the island to conserve, and rehabilitate the environment and adapt to new environmental projections.

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